Thursday, January 30, 2014

In With The Old (Vintage Clothing Styles)

In college, girls would walk around in the most classical outfits: I would drool in my seat. How could anyone my age pull something so...old... off like they were? And where were they finding the stores to do this? I was at a lost. Until finally, I began to ask around. When I started  hearing 'thrift stores' as responses I will admit that I was more than a little turned off. Dressing in used clothes? I was big on saving and running to clearance racks whenever I went to the mall but I had never thought the struggle was deep enough to go and buy used clothes. No way, not me, so I would continue to run from clearance rack to clearance rack until my last days on earth, but never would I wear the clothes of someone else's Grandmother. But as I am beginning to develop my style I am running into a lot of fashionable and stylish bloggers who are pro thrift shopping. Pro vintage. So, I decided to give it a shot. I do like vintage clothing, but is it really vintage if it was made in a factory last week? I guess the time had come to branch out and try something new old.

   Two weeks ago I had officially decided to visit a Goodwill and browse around. I had even saved some pictures of Goodwill styled looks that I had found on the internet. As soon as I entered the room, I became weary. All the confidence and excitement that I had going in drifted away when the smell of old clothing hit my nose. What am I doing? I thought for a moment, but after my two second freak out I took a deep breath and I began to walk around. Surprisingly, I enjoyed it. My confidence began to grow with each rack that I passed. I was a thrifter. After I purchased two items I found out that the Goodwill would be having a $2 clothing sale on the 24th and 25th of this month. At that moment, the count down began.

Now today, the 25th, I have 14 additional articles of clothing to add to my closet, all thanks to the Goodwill. When I walked into the house with three filled Goodwill shopping bags, my mother warned me to be careful because soon I would become addicted. Too late. I am still in shock about the quantity as well as the quality of the clothes that I brought home today. I am dying for the moment to return a possible compliment on these items with, "Thank you. It's vintage."

White Pants: Levi's 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

History Through New Eyes

I'm on a quest for something old. I am bored with the present, with the customs of now. Experiencing "new things" is your average cliche, it's what we are expected to want as we mature. I guess you can call me a rebel. In high school, I dreaded walking to history class. It became a place where I would be forced to study the past through text books and lectures,inattentive  classmates and frustrated teachers. I swore that once I was done with history I was never going back. Years after making that promise, I am now eating my words. I am studying history, but in a different way. I am studying it through fashion. 

I have been captivate by the 80's. A Decade that has no marking of my existence. I am drawn by the bright and vivid colors, and I am now finding ways to incorporate it into my wardrobe. 

Into my mother's closet I go.

 I even made a few stops to the Goodwill to further my 80's journey.

Floral Jacket: Grandmother's closet
Pink Blazer: Mother's closet 
White Blouse: Goodwill
Sweater: Goodwill 

I think the colors capture the 80's Perfectly

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fashion Does Not Discriminate

I am a "T-shirts and Jeans" kind of girl. I used to feel uneasy of saying that to people, because even though this was (and is) my style, I still longed for something more. Saying  it out loud just made it sound to permanent. However, I am learning. I am learning that although it is completely acceptable to have an evolving style, it should also be completely acceptable to own the style that you are in. I am a firm believer in working with what you already have. When I feel my outfit is in the lemon pits I try and turn it into lemonade.  When I wanted my "T-shirt and Jeans" look to stand out fashionably, I looked through my blazers, some jewelry and a special something to top it off. Something that says ME.

Jeans: Levi's 
Boots: JCP
Shirt: Old work shirt that was given to us after the Rutgers University student, Tyler Clementi, committed suicide. It says "Love Does Not Discriminate"
Hat: H&M

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Repeat Effect

This is going to be more difficult than I thought. Coming up with new and different outfits to post and share with whoever chooses to look, I think I am way out of my league. Last night, I marched around the house trying to find articles of clothing to put together for work today  and I kept running into a tree stump. I had no idea how to throw something new together. Everything had already been done. This scarf has already been worn with that shirt, these pants have already been worn with that jacket. I was running out of creativity. Finally, I gave up.

I don't know why the idea of wearing an outfit twice bothered me so. It might have something to do with the fact that we live in a world that looks at the idea of wearing the same thing twice as the equivalent to leprosy. I have never been above hearing the question, "Didn't you wear that last week?" Most celebrities  are shunned from the world of fashion if they are caught having the same bag for too long, let alone wearing the same outfit multiple times. 

I often catch myself in this frame of mind but now I am beginning to realize how silly I am for believing so. After All, there was a reason I chose that outfit in the first place. It is because I, the stylist, found comfort in the look. It was what represented me and my personal style the best and if I am wearing it twice, it is because I felt good in it the first time. I don't need to fall prey to the superficial mind set of the media.  

As you'll see In yesterday's post I wore this outfit (gulps) two Sundays ago.

Slacks: Don't really remember 
Blouse: Macys 
Blazer: Korset 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Dress Out Loud

I like it when things go boom. Not with sound really, but more with sight. There is no greater joy than dressing in black from head to toe and then bam! A metallic gold blazer (do they even make those?)  Ok, so maybe it's not that big of a boom to the rest of the world but it is to me. When I was putting my outfit together this morning I was tempted to finish it off with a black blazer or black cardigan. Definitely my normal style. But as I put it together I began to feel as if I was missing something. The outfit was simply to dull and black. I know it's Monday, but that still doesn't call for me to dress as I'm going to a funeral. I needed color. I needed something to go boom. So I rummaged through my closet until I ran across my comfy, red blazer. I threw it on and thought "yes! Now this is what I needed."  

    I had a similar issue last Sunday when I found myself wearing a black slacks and a white blouse to church. My gut reaction was to reach for the black blazer, but I knew the outfit called for something a little more. Blue it would be. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Sensual Touch

This is new for me. Posing in pictures. Exposing my style as if I know exactly  what I am doing. Don't let it fool you. I'm only testing, peeping, getting my feet wet . Well, here goes. Since entering into the corporate world I have found that button up blouses are a great asset. They are classy and sophisticated and the fact that it's in black only adds to that appeal. I know for a fact that I want to add more of these blouses to my wardrobe, they can dress up just about any occasion, and even if you don't intend on making it a "dressed up" occasion, it still adds great sophistication.

The pants that I am wearing are apart of a trend that I believe is on the rise. Open flare dress pants that come in multiple different designs and colors. I love the flexibility of pants but I also love the femininity of a long dress. With these pants I feel like I get both.

A Black and White Sunday
Blouse: JCPenny/Pants: Forever 21


The above collections are blouses that I found that caught my attention. I especially liked the gray and army green. I'm a Christian so I don't run after sex appeal, but I do like things that are sensual and subtle and I think a buttoned blouse captures that perfectly. 

My Style, My Story

Fashion blogs are intimidating. They are all filled with tips and tricks that are easier said than done. They are mind boggling and they have the potential to bring about some depression when I realize that I don't have any of the clothes that these blog models are rocking. While reading some of the blogs I often find myself wondering if I am wasting my time. I long to be the girl that just...gets it. Not just with trends and styles but with attitude and fearlessness. I want to have style but I want to boldly have style. I want my fashion to be my own personal expression of myself, not an impression for someone else. I think that's where the art of fashion goes wrong. When we focus too much (as I do now) on living up to the style standards of everyone around us. It's called personal style for a reason. It is the style of ourselves. I used to run over this phrase without even a second thought, but now, I am beginning to get it. My style is my own personal story. It should be a moment that I use to  paint a picture of myself. My hands are shaking but I think I'll pick up that brush now.  

I love berets. I didn't realize how comfy it would be with my old and worn college sweatshirt.  It kind of creates a comfy, ready-for-bed-but-still-chic kind of look. I even managed to get my school colors down. Let's go Spartans! #beretsatmidnight

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fashion Disclaimer

I am in no way professing to be a master of style. In fact, at this very moment in time my closet contains nothing but dull, lifeless articles of clothing that are screaming for a breath of life that can't be given...not by me at least. I am a beginner, a student, an amateur, and I am picking it up as I go along. For some time now I have thought of fashion and personal style as art. I see it as a means to expression, the volume of that expression is completely up to the creator. Shielded by the covering of plaid green skirts and white blouses all throughout elementary and middle school I was never able to experiment with my personal style. High school was filled with tennis matches and team practices so my only interest became jogging pants. College became the glory years of saving money. Dishing out extras to update my wardrobe was not even an option. But now I am ready. I am a working college graduate who is highly interested in finding my artistic side. I want to see how I can wow myself, not with what I buy, but in how I choose to wear it, and the confidence with which I will carry with it.