Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Repeat Effect

This is going to be more difficult than I thought. Coming up with new and different outfits to post and share with whoever chooses to look, I think I am way out of my league. Last night, I marched around the house trying to find articles of clothing to put together for work today  and I kept running into a tree stump. I had no idea how to throw something new together. Everything had already been done. This scarf has already been worn with that shirt, these pants have already been worn with that jacket. I was running out of creativity. Finally, I gave up.

I don't know why the idea of wearing an outfit twice bothered me so. It might have something to do with the fact that we live in a world that looks at the idea of wearing the same thing twice as the equivalent to leprosy. I have never been above hearing the question, "Didn't you wear that last week?" Most celebrities  are shunned from the world of fashion if they are caught having the same bag for too long, let alone wearing the same outfit multiple times. 

I often catch myself in this frame of mind but now I am beginning to realize how silly I am for believing so. After All, there was a reason I chose that outfit in the first place. It is because I, the stylist, found comfort in the look. It was what represented me and my personal style the best and if I am wearing it twice, it is because I felt good in it the first time. I don't need to fall prey to the superficial mind set of the media.  

As you'll see In yesterday's post I wore this outfit (gulps) two Sundays ago.

Slacks: Don't really remember 
Blouse: Macys 
Blazer: Korset 

1 comment:

  1. Lol..."as you'll see in yesterday's post I wore this outfit (gulps) two Sundays ago". You're SO cute!! Love this
